Today's google theme
Today's google theme


Her nephew Niles Groes has described how she had a filing system in which cardboard cards with information about earthquakes around the world were organised into porridge boxes. Lehmann was educated at a mixed gender school – unusual for the time – and became frustrated in her career at the attitudes towards women in the sciences. Not all of his early drafts looked the same, but the Earth’s inner core glowed at the centre of each,” commentary from Google on the artwork said. Doodler Kevin Laughlin helps us experience the gift Inge illuminated for the world by revealing it as a glowing orb. Today’s doodle sheds light on her powerful but invisible discovery. “Inge used deduction and evidence to discover something unseeable. It was first seen in January 2010 in a post honoring Sir Isaac Newton.Lehmann, who died aged 104 in 1993, studied earthquakes to find that the Earth had both an inner and outer core, a revelation which redefined how the planet was studied. From the 2010s the evolution of the Doodles’ look happened. In the initial phase, Doodles were neither hyperlinked nor animated-they were plain interactive images with hovertext describing the subject or expressing a holiday greeting. Post which the company came up with the concept of decorating the logo to mark cultural moments and it soon became clear that users really enjoyed the change to the Google homepage. This came into existence when Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google decided to draw a stick figure behind the second 'o' of Google to symbolize the message that they were out of office at the Burning Man festival.


The first-ever Google Doodle was made in honor of the Burning Man Festival of 1998. The doodle marks important festivals, people, achievements and holidays. A Google Doodle is product of Google that appears temporarily on special occasions in place of Google’s permanent logo on the homepage.

Today's google theme