Russia diablo iv meme
Russia diablo iv meme

russia diablo iv meme

GC: It probably was a test, but whether it passed or not is difficult to tell. PS: Do you think the Advance Wars reboot is a test to see how well a new Advance Wars game would sell? Or is Nintendo too busy pumping out weekly Fire Emblem sequels to care? No, a simple business rationale doesn’t explain Nintendo disowning Captain Falcon. And I’m sure F-Zero games are not as costly to make as Metroid Prime. On the subject of Nintendo’s best abandoned franchise, I notice F-Zero GX sold more copies than Pikmin 2, Metroid Prime 2, Mario Golf, and Mario Tennis, yet Nintendo continued to support those franchises and not F-Zero. I’ll definitely be waiting for the reviews on that but I hope, if it is a failure, that doesn’t put them off funding more non-sports games.

russia diablo iv meme

I’m not sure about this Immortals Of Aveum either, they’re obviously trying to give it a big push but the whole thing looks like something they thought was going to be a lot cooler than it turned out. They’ve been on a good roll recently with Dead Space and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor but they haven’t announced anything new since and I’m not clear whether those games actually did all that well or not.

russia diablo iv meme

Here’s hoping they funnel some of that cash into normal games as well. It’s clearly going to sell just as much money as FIFA and yet now they don’t have to pay for that name. Recipe for madness that is.Ĭhevy Malibu (PSN ID and will be in Hyrule for a considerable while – what a game!)ĮA are going to be so rich once EA Sports FC is a hit. I can’t have two games of such magnitude on the go at the same time. I hope so, because until I saw it I was looking forward to the game.ġ40 hours into Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom and I’ve just found my first diamond… I did plan on buying Baldur’s Gate 3 for the PlayStation 5, having liked the Divinity: Original Sin games, but that will probably have to wait until late 2024 at this rate. The whole thing is just feeling a little overfamiliar and uninspired, unless there’s some major twist coming. I know that’s where Spidey leaves but even in the movies he goes to plenty of other places and I’m sure that’s even more true in the comics. I think the other part of the problem is that the whole thing (as far as we know) is just set in New York City again.

Russia diablo iv meme